Monday, August 6, 2012

Movies: Many Movies!

Hi. Hello. Let me tell you this: Warning!!! Some movies aren't really that good!!!! The "How To Train Your Dragon" books are WAY better than the movie! In real life, you don't even have dragons; they're pretend!!!! 

They sometimes say things in commercials, like: -"Best Movie in the World!"- or -"The Best One Yet!!!"- Well, that's what THEY say. I don't really like that.

 Will they make a movie called, "Invisible Inkling"? Who knows???!!! And read this: "Invisible  Inkling" is a book. There's a sequel to it called "Invisible Inkling: Dangerous Pumpkins"!!!

Please read this:  "ParaNorman" is creepy!!!!! Urrrrgh!!!!!!

This Kid