Sunday, October 28, 2012

The code game!

This is the game of october!


If you crack the code you win!


Answer coming next tuesday!

Post your answers!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Have you seen ''How to train your dragon'' the movie?

Here are some things you might not know:

1. Toothless is supposed to have no teeth!

2. Dragonese was left out.

3. Lots of things were left out.

4. WHO'S ASTRID?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????

''How to train your dragon'' is a great book.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Movies: Many Movies!

Hi. Hello. Let me tell you this: Warning!!! Some movies aren't really that good!!!! The "How To Train Your Dragon" books are WAY better than the movie! In real life, you don't even have dragons; they're pretend!!!! 

They sometimes say things in commercials, like: -"Best Movie in the World!"- or -"The Best One Yet!!!"- Well, that's what THEY say. I don't really like that.

 Will they make a movie called, "Invisible Inkling"? Who knows???!!! And read this: "Invisible  Inkling" is a book. There's a sequel to it called "Invisible Inkling: Dangerous Pumpkins"!!!

Please read this:  "ParaNorman" is creepy!!!!! Urrrrgh!!!!!!

This Kid